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Monday, January 31, 2011

Calligraphy Retreat with Yves Leterme

We stayed at the Cenacle in Lincoln Park, Chicago. Roomed with April and this is our view from the room.

The name of the workshop was Watchfull Experimenting and the Fine Art of Controlled Scribbling. Yves also taught about his use of gesso which was a challenge!

Some of Yves' work with the special projector so everyone could see! Here he had added gesso over his work, and then added washes of color and lines and scratches.
There were 22 in the group!
It was so nice that Jim and Alice could come and visit!

Some quick photos of demos. Yves came all the way from Belgium and will be teaching at several locations. And some participants came from Michigan and Oregon. It was such a nice group to work with and learn from, even though I struggled with the abstract type of work at the end!


  1. Wow! Looks like a great experience!

  2. Thanks Doris, it was except for a few things. The gesso procedure was difficult-covering everything with gesso in the end but also adding washes and lines. My bottom colors were so light, well, they didn't show through like they should have. I'll keep trying on them though!

  3. Hello Marjorie . . came upon your blog & this post when I googled Yves Letterme. Love his work! Wish I would have known about this workshop. I live in Michigan. How wonderful to have been one of the participants!!!
    I'm going to be including some letters and hopefully calligraphy in some encaustic work I do.
